

时间:2024-06-18 08:49:30 教案 我要投稿
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  1. 学会向他人介绍自己的家庭情况。

  2. 掌握描述家庭成员特点的词汇和句型。

  3. 培养爱家庭、爱家人、关心他人的意识。


  1. 学会正确使用家庭成员的词汇。

  2. 根据所学词汇和句型进行简单的句子描述。


  1. 学会描述家庭成员的特点。

  2. 用英语简单地询问和回答家庭成员的情况。




  Step 1: Warm-up

  1. Let's sing a song "My Family"

  2. T: Do you have a family? Can you tell me something about your family? (学生回答)

  T: How many people are there in your family?

  T: Who are they?

  T: What are their names?

  T: What do they do?

  T: Do you love your family members?

  Step 2: Presentation

  1. T: Look, here is a picture of my family. Let me introduce them to you. This is my father. His name is Mike. He is a doctor. He is tall and strong. He likes playing basketball. And this is my mother. Her name is Mary. She is a teacher. She is kind and beautiful. She likes cooking. I love my parents very much. What about you? Can you introduce your family members to your friends?

  2. 教师以相似的方式介绍学生自己的家人给全班:My mother/father/brother/sister…… His/Her name is…… He/She is…… He/She likes…… Do you love your family members?

  Step 3: Listening and Speaking

  1. T: Now let's listen to a dialogue about Lily's family. Please listen carefully and choose the correct pictures. (播放录音)

  2. T: Now tell me what you have heard. Who are Lily’s family members? What are their names? What do they do? What are their hobbies? (学生回答)

  3. 小组练习:让学生在小组内互相介绍自己的家庭成员情况。

  Step 4: Vocabulary

  1. T: Let's learn some vocabulary. (出示图片) father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother

  2. T: Now let's read the words together. (学生跟读)

  3. T: Can you match the words with the pictures? (学生进行匹配)

  Step 5: Grammar

  1. T: Now let's learn some sentences to describe family members.

  This is my father. He is tall and strong.

  My mother is kind and beautiful.

  My brother is funny and active.

  My sister is cute and smart.

  My grandfather is old and wise.

  My grandmother is gentle and caring.

  2. 教师示范,学生模仿。

  Step 6: Reading

  1. T: Now let's read a story about Tommy's family. (出示故事书《我的家人》)

  2. T: It's your turn to read. Read the story with your partners. (学生分组合作朗读)

  3. T: Who can retell the story to me?

  Step 7: Speaking

  1. T: Let's play a role-play. Please act out a dialogue with your partner.

  A: Can you introduce your family members to me?

  B: Sure. This is my father…

  2. 学生分角色扮演,展示对话。

  Step 8: Homework

  1. Interview your family members and write a short passage to describe your family. (询问家人的情况,并且用英语写一篇小短文描述自己的家庭。)

  2. 课堂作业检查。


  My Family

  Vocabulary: father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother

  Sentences: This is my father. He is tall and strong.

  My mother is kind and beautiful.

  My brother is funny and active.

  My sister is cute and smart.

  My grandfather is old and wise.

  My grandmother is gentle and caring.











