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  1, according to legend

  In Song Dynasty Wang Anshi "motohi" in the poem wrote: "numerous households, the total of the new replace the old character." To describe the light of the early days. In the poem of "Tao" and "Fu" is the new meaning of intertextuality, Taofu replaced the old Taofu - chujiubuxin. On the Spring Festival has a beautiful legend. Long ago, the East China Sea dushuo mountain scenery, a peach forest hill, there is a huge peach trees, with luxuriant foliage, Qu pan 3000, the peaches are big and sweet, eat the peach trees can become immortal. A dark night, a red eyed monster, a long-toothed man with a livid face to steal xiantao. Master Chen Tu and Yu Lei two brothers used peach beat ghosts, and fed the mountain tiger with a rope tied.

  Since then, the two brothers to name for fear of ghosts, they die into special punish evil gods. Later people use one inch wide, seven or eight inch long peach wood paint on Tu, Yu Lei two immortals like hanging in the home side, with the ghost Quxie peachwood board called "taofu". With the change of time, Taofu itself is also changing, then people will write the names of the two immortals in the Spring Festival couplets, instead of portrait, then, and the development of the "Taofu", the words equal and symmetrical structure, the meaning of Poems Inscribed in the corresponding Taofu, this is the predecessor of the spring.

  2, Spring Festival couplets and Cech

  It is said that the custom of sticking to the spring festival couplet began about one thousand years ago in the post Shu period, which has been proved by history. In addition, according to the "candle collection", "Yanjing mind at the age" writings such as records, the original form of couplets is known as "Zhao fu".

  In Chinese ancient mythology, there is a ghost town in the world, there are mountains, there is a tree cover in 3000 big Peach Hill, the tree has a golden rooster. Whenever Jinji ringing of the morning, night wandering ghosts will go back to ghostdom. The city gate is located in the northeast of peach tree, the door stood two God, called Tu and Yu lei. If the ghost in the night did wicked things, Tu and Yu Lei will immediately find and catch it with mans reed do rope tied to it, and sent to feed the tiger. Thus the world are afraid of ghosts Tu and Yu lei. So with civil peachwood etched on their appearance on their own doorstep, to prevent harm evil. Later, people simply carved on the Tu and Yu Lei in peachwood board name, that the town can do evil to evil. The peach wood was called "taofu".

  In the Song Dynasty, people began to write antithetical couplet in peachwood board, a town of evil Taomu not lose the meaning of two express their wishes, three decorative gateway to beautiful. Write antithetical couplet at the auspicious symbol of the red paper on the occasion of the new year on both sides of the doors and windows for people to pray for the coming year to express the good wish of good fortune. In order to pray for the longevity of a Corning, a number of local people retained the habit of goalkeeper stickers. It is said that affixed to the door two door, all demons and ghosts all will be terrified.

  In the folk, God is the symbol of righteousness and force of the ancients that looks surprisingly often has a magical character and extraordinary ability. They are honest and kind-hearted, zhuogui Qin is the devil and the nature of their responsibilities, people of zhuogui tianshic Kui, that is such a strange grimace. So people are always angry staring eyes keeper, looks ferocious, holding a variety of traditional weapons, ready to dare to come to fight the ghosts. The Chinese residential doors, which are two folios, so God always in pairs. After the Tang Dynasty, in addition to the Tu and Yu Lei will be two people outside, and Qin Shubao and Yuchi Tang Prince and two as goalkeeper.

  According to legend, Tang Taizong was sick, heard the call sign outside the ghosts, through the night no peace. So he let the two generals carrying weapons remain guarding, second days no ghosts on the night of harassment. After that, Tang Taizong drew the image of the two generals to be posted on the door. This custom began to spread in the folk.


  1. 朋友是天,朋友是地,有了朋友就可以顶天立地。朋友是风,朋友是雨,有了朋友可以呼风唤雨。财富不是永久的,朋友却是永久的财富!祝福大家朋友多多,新年愉快!

  2. 新年到、春节到、有成绩、别骄傲、失败过、别死掉、齐努力、开大炮、好运气、天上掉、同分享、大家乐。天天好运道,日日福星照!

  3. 瞧,猴跑啦!抓住幸运猴尾巴!看,龙来啦!跳上龙头好运达!听,鞭响啦,除夕财神降临啦;哇,年到啦,祝福闪闪眼睛眨!过年好。

  4. 春节短信慰问你:健康快乐好福气,好运与你不分离;心情愉快诸事顺,烦恼抛到九霄里;笑口常开有精神,钞票滚进红包里。好处全部送给你!

  5. 人生走过山山水水,脚下高高低低,经历风风雨雨,还要寻寻觅觅,生活忙忙碌碌,收获点点滴滴,祝你开开心心,来年再创佳绩!春节快乐!

  6. 锣鼓喧天鞭炮鸣,举国欢庆迎新年。男女老少穿新衣,欢欢喜喜过大年。春联喜庆耀门庭,灯笼高照幸福临。人寿年丰又一春,生活美满笑颜开。祝春节快乐!

  7. 快过年了,灯笼红遍了大街小巷,烟花热闹了白天黑夜,祝福洋溢了天涯海角,年货备齐了吧?心情乐坏了吧?该送我红包了吧?呵呵,过年好!

  8. 今天二月初八芳春节,除秽寻芳来支招:除“二臭”,口臭铜臭都除掉,桃花旺得人尖叫;寻“八芳”——花草树云鱼书酒和美女,八芳聚齐,一生好福气!

  9. 新的一年里祝您:一家和和睦睦,一年开开心心;一生快快乐乐,一世平平安安;天天精神百倍,月月喜气洋洋;年年财源广进,岁岁平安祥和!春节快乐!

  10. 新年伊始雪纷纷,富贵健康齐降临。新年祝福要抓紧,迟到绝对要扣分。新年团圆中国心,吃喝玩乐自家人。新年快乐进家门,开开心心直到今。新年快乐!

















  1, according to legend

  In Song Dynasty Wang Anshi "motohi" in the poem wrote: "numerous households, the total of the new replace the old character." To describe the light of the early days. In the poem of "Tao" and "Fu" is the new meaning of intertextuality, Taofu replaced the old Taofu - chujiubuxin. On the Spring Festival has a beautiful legend. Long ago, the East China Sea dushuo mountain scenery, a peach forest hill, there is a huge peach trees, with luxuriant foliage, Qu pan 3000, the peaches are big and sweet, eat the peach trees can become immortal. A dark night, a red eyed monster, a long-toothed man with a livid face to steal xiantao. Master Chen Tu and Yu Lei two brothers used peach beat ghosts, and fed the mountain tiger with a rope tied.

  Since then, the two brothers to name for fear of ghosts, they die into special punish evil gods. Later people use one inch wide, seven or eight inch long peach wood paint on Tu, Yu Lei two immortals like hanging in the home side, with the ghost Quxie peachwood board called "taofu". With the change of time, Taofu itself is also changing, then people will write the names of the two immortals in the Spring Festival couplets, instead of portrait, then, and the development of the "Taofu", the words equal and symmetrical structure, the meaning of Poems Inscribed in the corresponding Taofu, this is the predecessor of the spring.

  2, Spring Festival couplets and Cech

  It is said that the custom of sticking to the spring festival couplet began about one thousand years ago in the post Shu period, which has been proved by history. In addition, according to the "candle collection", "Yanjing mind at the age" writings such as records, the original form of couplets is known as "Zhao fu".

  In Chinese ancient mythology, there is a ghost town in the world, there are mountains, there is a tree cover in 3000 big Peach Hill, the tree has a golden rooster. Whenever Jinji ringing of the morning, night wandering ghosts will go back to ghostdom. The city gate is located in the northeast of peach tree, the door stood two God, called Tu and Yu lei. If the ghost in the night did wicked things, Tu and Yu Lei will immediately find and catch it with mans reed do rope tied to it, and sent to feed the tiger. Thus the world are afraid of ghosts Tu and Yu lei. So with civil peachwood etched on their appearance on their own doorstep, to prevent harm evil. Later, people simply carved on the Tu and Yu Lei in peachwood board name, that the town can do evil to evil. The peach wood was called "taofu".

  In the Song Dynasty, people began to write antithetical couplet in peachwood board, a town of evil Taomu not lose the meaning of two express their wishes, three decorative gateway to beautiful. Write antithetical couplet at the auspicious symbol of the red paper on the occasion of the new year on both sides of the doors and windows for people to pray for the coming year to express the good wish of good fortune. In order to pray for the longevity of a Corning, a number of local people retained the habit of goalkeeper stickers. It is said that affixed to the door two door, all demons and ghosts all will be terrified.

  In the folk, God is the symbol of righteousness and force of the ancients that looks surprisingly often has a magical character and extraordinary ability. They are honest and kind-hearted, zhuogui Qin is the devil and the nature of their responsibilities, people of zhuogui tianshic Kui, that is such a strange grimace. So people are always angry staring eyes keeper, looks ferocious, holding a variety of traditional weapons, ready to dare to come to fight the ghosts. The Chinese residential doors, which are two folios, so God always in pairs. After the Tang Dynasty, in addition to the Tu and Yu Lei will be two people outside, and Qin Shubao and Yuchi Tang Prince and two as goalkeeper.

  According to legend, Tang Taizong was sick, heard the call sign outside the ghosts, through the night no peace. So he let the two generals carrying weapons remain guarding, second days no ghosts on the night of harassment. After that, Tang Taizong drew the image of the two generals to be posted on the door. This custom began to spread in the folk.


  1. 朋友是天,朋友是地,有了朋友就可以顶天立地。朋友是风,朋友是雨,有了朋友可以呼风唤雨。财富不是永久的,朋友却是永久的财富!祝福大家朋友多多,新年愉快!

  2. 新年到、春节到、有成绩、别骄傲、失败过、别死掉、齐努力、开大炮、好运气、天上掉、同分享、大家乐。天天好运道,日日福星照!

  3. 瞧,猴跑啦!抓住幸运猴尾巴!看,龙来啦!跳上龙头好运达!听,鞭响啦,除夕财神降临啦;哇,年到啦,祝福闪闪眼睛眨!过年好。

  4. 春节短信慰问你:健康快乐好福气,好运与你不分离;心情愉快诸事顺,烦恼抛到九霄里;笑口常开有精神,钞票滚进红包里。好处全部送给你!

  5. 人生走过山山水水,脚下高高低低,经历风风雨雨,还要寻寻觅觅,生活忙忙碌碌,收获点点滴滴,祝你开开心心,来年再创佳绩!春节快乐!

  6. 锣鼓喧天鞭炮鸣,举国欢庆迎新年。男女老少穿新衣,欢欢喜喜过大年。春联喜庆耀门庭,灯笼高照幸福临。人寿年丰又一春,生活美满笑颜开。祝春节快乐!

  7. 快过年了,灯笼红遍了大街小巷,烟花热闹了白天黑夜,祝福洋溢了天涯海角,年货备齐了吧?心情乐坏了吧?该送我红包了吧?呵呵,过年好!

  8. 今天二月初八芳春节,除秽寻芳来支招:除“二臭”,口臭铜臭都除掉,桃花旺得人尖叫;寻“八芳”——花草树云鱼书酒和美女,八芳聚齐,一生好福气!

  9. 新的一年里祝您:一家和和睦睦,一年开开心心;一生快快乐乐,一世平平安安;天天精神百倍,月月喜气洋洋;年年财源广进,岁岁平安祥和!春节快乐!

  10. 新年伊始雪纷纷,富贵健康齐降临。新年祝福要抓紧,迟到绝对要扣分。新年团圆中国心,吃喝玩乐自家人。新年快乐进家门,开开心心直到今。新年快乐!