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导语:青山绿水蓝天 共创美好人间以下是小编整理七年级绿色环保手抄报的资料,欢迎阅读参考。
1、保护环境 功在当代利在千秋
2、追求绿色时尚 拥抱绿色生活
3、同建绿色温馨家园 共享清澈碧水蓝天
4、风调雨顺 始自环境保护 人寿年丰 源于生态平衡
5、积德行善 造福后代 百年大计 环保第一
6、我爱花 我爱草 我爱青青小树苗 不摘花 不踏草 不折树枝不乱摇 花草树木是朋友大家都要爱护好
7、治理环境污染 重现丽日蓝天
8、爱青山 绿水 爱蓝天 白云 让生命在爱中每时每刻充满活力
9、当环保卫士 做时代公民
10、保护生态环境 造就秀美山川
11、人类靠环境生存 环境靠人类保护
12、生命和绿色拥抱 人类与生态共存
13、关爱生命健康 倡导环保时尚
14、我环保 我自豪
15、让环保扎根现在 用绿色昭示未来
16、同在蓝天下 共爱一个家
17、追求环保是你我的心愿 参与环保是你我的责任
18、拥有绿色 人类将不会失去梦想
he mother of the earth, with her ecological burden and trauma, said goodbye to the 20th century, and her sons and daughters will usher in the first earth day of the new century.
Earth day is a day of repentance for mother earth. Let us think about the disaster that has been caused to the planet by human consumption of resources and pollution. Let us think about how each of us is responsible in such a disaster. When fragile ecology is unsustainable, how will human consumption continue? How long can humans survive when the local ball is terminally ill?
Earth day is also the day of human salvation. Human beings are both the makers of environmental disasters and the victims of environmental disasters. Each of us can participate in environmental protection by choosing a green lifestyle: saving resources and reducing pollution; Green consumption, environmental purchasing; Repeated use, multiple use; Garbage classification, recycling; Save species, protect nature.
Green life is the information of the new century, which guides the business community to develop green technology and clean production. Green life is the requirement of the new century. It encourages politicians to take responsibility for sustainable human development. Green life is the fashion of the new century, it embodies one's civilization and accomplishment, and also marks the quality and strength of a nation.
China, with the most vulnerable ecosystem in history, is suffering the most population and development pressure in history. Patriotic people, let us first love this nation on the basis of survival, let us start from a little bit of environmental protection.