

时间:2024-10-10 05:42:31 手抄报 我要投稿
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  1、让地球远离污染 让绿色走进家园

  2、心系人类命运 营造生命绿洲——中国环保

  3、青山助人寿 碧水悦人情

  4、祸从污染起 福自环保来


  6、保护环境 利国利民

  7、绿化美化净化 靠你靠我靠他

  8、保护生态环境 实现持续发展

  9、共植万顷绿地 同撑一片蓝天

  10、前人栽树 后人乘凉 前人伐木 后人遭殃

  11、关爱人类环境 倡导绿色文明



  14、为大地添一抹绿意 为世界增一份生机

  15、问渠哪得清如许 唯有环保碧水来

  16、与生命相约 与环保局同行

  17、保护生态环境 共健美好家园


  19、积攒绿色 储蓄生命

  20、呼唤公民环保意识 建立绿色生活方式

  21、人人保护环境 家家幸福康宁

  22、巍巍中华环保行 人人奉献巨龙腾

  23、一人一年一棵树 绿山绿水绿山河







  People's environmental awareness is not very strong. It is important to know that six million hectares of land each year are not productive due to desertification and soil erosion. In spite of this, humanity is still unawakened and unceasingly chopping and chopping, and 17 million hectares of forest disappear every year. Humans also emit more than half a billion tons of carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and CFCS into the atmosphere every year. Now the atmosphere is no longer pure. People's environmental protection consciousness is not strong, the introduction of a large number of chemical enterprises of dust emission secretly, throw litter garbage, waste of water resources, and so on, directly damaging human survival environment, it is hard to imagine, along the way, what will become of our earth! We often have bags in our hands when we're at shopping in the mall. Plastic bag incineration can cause gas, and landfill is not easy to break down, and can cause soil to be destroyed. With so many Chinese, how many plastic bags can't be handled? In restaurants, people often use disposable wooden chopsticks. It consumes a lot of trees, and the Chinese are said to "eat" 25 million trees a year. What a shocking situation! These environmental problems are caused by human unreasonable exploitation and utilization of natural resources. The unsightly environmental problems are the five major categories of air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, food pollution and inappropriate exploitation and utilization of natural resources. And we as the future successors of teenagers, if don't understand the gravity of the composition of the human environment and environmental problems, ignoring the laws and regulations on environmental protection, not to strengthen environmental protection consciousness, consciously fulfill their obligation to protect the environment, our life will be destroyed in his hands, god will make a severe punishment for us.

  Once upon a time, people deforestation is one of nature's ecological balance is destroyed dunes swallowed ten thousand mu of arable land, scattered by the flood thousands of homes, plum creek water once said: "no nature, no human, this is a simple truth all over the world. The exploitation of nature, the conquest of nature, only destroys the ecosystem, the self-taking, is the human being on the brink." It is also true that people don't give nature a face-saving way, and naturally they do not leave us behind, in the dust bowl of 2000. Wenchuan earthquake, this is nature's warning to mankind.

  Therefore, we want to save energy, such as: refrigerators, washing machines, rice cookers and other home appliances according to the domestic population situation and the actual need, choose suitable refrigeration lisheng, kg washing equipment, don't too much, too; The lights, fans, TV sets and air conditioners of every room in the home should be turned off in a timely manner. The setting of air conditioning temperature should be reasonable? Keep in mind that we have only one earth and the earth is facing serious environmental crisis, the earth is lovely, but she was too weak, the only thing we have to do is to protect her, don't let her get hurt again.

  Energy conservation, environmental protection, urgent! Start with me and start from little drops. The environmental action of a single person is like a lamp, and when it shines, the darkness around it will be less. If everyone lights their own lamp, the whole world will be bright. For the future of earth, for the future of mankind, let us act!










