
时间:2024-05-20 12:01:13 记叙文 我要投稿





  What is friendship? It is not food that we eat when we are starved, but it can help fill up our empty mind when we feel lonesome. It is not clothes to wear when we are frozen, but it is able to keep a stream of warmth welling up our heart. What is friendship? It is not food that we eat when we are starved, but it can help fill up our empty mind when we feel lonesome.

  It is not clothes to wear when we are frozen, but it is able to keep a stream of warmth welling up our heart. It is not a book that we read, but it provides guidance to our life. Friendship is untouchable but it exists and touches people’s heart. It is something wonderful. Friendship is about solicitude. When we get ill in bed, our friends will put aside what they are doing and come immediately to us.

  They will sit by our bed so that they can get what we need at the moment promptly. Friendship is about encouragement. When we fail and find ourselves hopeless and helpless,friends will be there ,accompanying us, bracing us up and seeing it through with us. Friendship is about consolation. When we weep in grief, our friends will be around us, hearkening to our bitter experience and trying their level best to make us feel better. Nevertheless, it is superficial to perceive friendship as gaining benefits from others. Friendship is more than that. We can’t merely receive.

  We ought to repay as well because friendship is reciprocal. Friendship is about tolerance. We can’t expect our friends to be flawless because no one is perfect. We should be magnanimous enough to accept some of their shortcomings, which they endeavor hard but fail to get rid of. Friendship is about forgiveness. They shouldn’t be considered as bad friends even if they do something wrong to us. We are supposed to listen calmly and even-temperedly to their words as well as accept their sincere apology. A trifle is not supposed to injure a great friendship. Friendship is about constant attention. Long time of neglect will upset our friends.

  If we let nature take its course without taking any action, friendship will eventually wither, like a flower which has been left without caring for too much time. Now it won’t be so hard to realize that friendship is not as easy as it may seem. It is like the reservoir, which will dry up if one doesn’t constantly pipe water into it. It is like the glass, which is fragile and needs careful attention. It is sometimes difficult to handle. To conclude, friendship is a mutual spiritual assist. We get supported and helped while at the same time support and help our friends.


  I like reading novel books very much, and now I have read a lot of books。Thanks to my parents, they lead me the road to fall in love with these amazing books。I open my vision and learn a lot outside the class。Everyday before I sleep, I will take out the books and read them for an hour。This good habit helps me to know more about the world。














































  交代清楚故事涉及的人物、时间、地点: 主题句


  具体描述事件发生的原因、经过和结果 起因+经过+结果




  Directions:for this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic the day my classmate fell ill.





  开篇句:About _____ o'clock one evening in _______, _____. 扩展句:________. (展开描述一下事件)


  主题句:Without hesitation, _____. It wasn't long before _____. 扩展句:1、one ______. 2、another _______. 3、our teacher _______.


  结尾句:Is _______? Who can tell ? but ______.

  扩展句:1、When ____ , people showed _____ spirit regardless of ____.

  2、This kind of care between persons is the very kind giving, unselfish and priceless devotion or sacrifice. 3、And it is just because of this care that we can have warm families, a happy life and a beautiful world.


  Today,early in the morning,when I woke up,I found it was later for half an hour than I usually did。 Then I remembered that I didn’t set up the morning call last night。 So I just grabbed some bread and rushed to the bus station。 The bus seemed always not appearing when I needed it。 Finally,I took on a bus,then I felt so relieved,because I wouldn’t be late for school。 Suddenly,the bus stopped and the driver told us to change another bus,because there was something wrong with the wheels。 I was so worried。 When I arrived school,I was late。 It was such a bad day for me。




  Please use about 150 words to write the fable story of "add the snake to the foot", so that it can be published in the column of "idiom introduction" in an English publication. Main idea of the story:


  Once upon a time, three people got a pot of wine. They decided to draw a snake on the ground, and the first one to drink the pot of wine. One of them drew the picture first, took the wine and prepared to drink. Before the other two finished, he said, "I can still add feet to the snake!" But before the feet were finished, another man finished drawing the snake and said, "how can you add feet to a snake that has no feet?"? It's my turn to drink! ".


  Model Wen:

  One day three men got a bottle of wine。 But the wine was not enough for them three and each of them wanted to drink the wine alone。 Then they all agreed that they each would draw a snake on the ground and the one who first finished drawing would be given the wine。 So they began to draw on the ground with sticks。

  One day three men got a bottle of wine。 But the wine was not enough for them three and each of them wanted to drink the wine alone。 Then they all agreed that they each would draw a snake on the ground and the one who first finished drawing would be given the wine。 So they began to draw on the ground with sticks。

  It was not long before one of the three finished drawing his snake。 He found the other two were still busy with their drawings。 “How slow you are!”said he,“I can even add feet to my snake before you finish yours。 ”

  It was not long before one of the three finished drawing his snake。 He found the other two were still busy with their drawings。 “How slow you are!” said he,“I can even add feet to my snake before you finish yours。 ”

  He put down the bottle and began to add feet to his snake。 But before he finished,another man took hold of the bottle and said,“I’ve finished。 Snakes have no feet,so yours is not a snake。 ”With these words he drank up the wine。

  He put down the bottle and began to add feet to his snake。 But before he finished,another man took hold of the bottle and said,“I’ve finished。 Snakes have no feet,so yours is not a snake。 ” With these words he drank up the wine。


  On November 11th, which is treated as the Single Day in China, has bee the shopping day on the Internet。The e-merce earns the largest profit in this day, while in the western countries, they also have such discounting day。On the first working day after Christmas Day, which is called boxing day。The shops will give great discount, which attracts people to buy products。Many Chinese people have joined this group now。They fly abroad and spend Christmas, then they are waiting for the Boxing Day, preparing to buy the brands。The ing of Boxing Day was in the Middle Age。Boxes were put in front of the churches, after Christmas, the workers would open these boxes and donated the money to help the poor。Now Boxing Day is very popular, and western people want to buy what they want in great discount。




  请根据下列要求,以My First Stay at Home为题,写一篇100字左右的文章。






  1.memorable experience

  2.on business

  3.take care of oneself.





  My First Stay at Home


  My first stay at home alone was memorable. When I was twelve, once both of my mother and father were away on business, and I had been all by myself for two days. My parents left early the first day, and I got up soon after they left. In the first evening I was a little scared, so I turned on all the lights. I actually kept the light on in my bedroom the whole night. For fear of getting up late the next morning, I put three alarm clocks near my bed and set the alarms respectively at 6:00, 6:10, and 6:15. In order to prove that I could take care of myself, I washed my own clothes the second afternoon, though I could wait for Mother to do it. I really felt proud of myself and thought I was a big girl.


  Most of students would like to talk to their friends and classmates,because they think that it's easier for them to communicate with these who are as the same age as them,aslo.they can be understood by friends. Some students think teathers and parents are more experienced and they can get advices from parents and teathers,so they always ask help from parents and teathers.While others don't like to thouble people,instead,they solve the problems by themselves,maybe they are shy and don't like to talk with others,or they don't get on well with other students for some reasons.。


  My sister got married two years ago and now her daughter is one year old。Last week, my sister was busy and she asked me to take care of her child for half a day。I said yes without hesitation, because I thought it would be very easy, but later it turned out to be wrong。My niece was moving all the time。As she was too young to walk, so she crawled everywhere, then I needed to focus my attention all the time。Once she was out of my sight, then something bad would happen。Though I sat at the table, I could do nothing, it was so tired。When my sister was back, I felt relieved, raising a child is never a easy work。



  My sister got married two years ago and now her daughter is one year old. Last week, my sister was busy and she asked me to take care of her child for half a day. I said yes without hesitation, because I thought it would be very easy, but later it turned out to be wrong. My niece was moving all the time. As she was too young to walk, so she crawled everywhere, then I needed to focus my attention all the time. Once she was out of my sight, then something bad would happen. Though I sat at the table, I could do nothing, it was so tired. When my sister was back, I felt relieved, raising a child is never a easy work.



  I have a goodfriend,He is a boy,he has a very nice name—Robert。He es from England。He has big eyes,they are round and cute。He es to China with his parents。We know each other since last year。From then on,we bee goodfriends。

  At weekends,we often get together to play basketball,he plays it very well,and,he sings well,too。He teaches me English and I teach him Chinese。

  We are goodfriends forever。













  A Good Example of Laid -off Workers

  Liu Yaru, a woman worker, had worked in a weaving mill in Jinan for 14 years。In 1992 when she was 34, Mrs Liu was out of work。At the beginning, she stayed at home。She was worried and was not sure about finding another job。Some time later, she was no longer afraid of being looked down upon。She managed to find a job as a waitress at a teahouse。She does well in her job, and now many customers like to call at this teahouse。She makes a lot of money through her hard work。She has set a good example for the laid-off workers。


  Since I went to middle school, I had told myself that I was not a little kid anymore. I needed to grow up. So the first thing is not to ask my parents for help at the first time. I should take some time to think about the difficulty and then figure out the solution. If I ask my parents immediately, I will never be mature, as I always want to depend on them. But if I can’t solve the problem, I will turn to my friends for help. They can give me some advice and I will make my own judgement. At last, the suggestion from my parents won’t be ignored. It is the most useful.










